Report a Concern
Submit a report to the Compliance Helpline
As the Rutgers community continues to grow and thrive, each individual within the community has a responsibility to preserve Rutgers’ reputation as one of the finest research universities in the United States. Part of that responsibility includes making ethical choices at all levels. UEC supports our community’s mission through integrity, ethical behavior and avoidance of conflicts of interest.
UEC provides advice and guidance on the following:
- University documentation relevant to outside employment and volunteer work
- University documentation relevant to financial Conflict of Interests
- University Documentation relevant to event attendance, royalties, and scholarly capacity
- Access to the Rutgers Code of Ethics, Plain Language Guide to Fundamental Ethics, and Conflicts Rules established by State Law, Federal Law and University Policy
- Advice and guidance on recusals for financial and personal conflicts of interest (including employment of relatives)
To support the University community, the UEC helps to facilitate the eCOI+ disclosure system ( a web-based tool to help Rutgers faculty and staff disclose and mitigate potential conflicts of interest. eCOI+ (formerly Ethics Armor) replaces all paper forms with an efficient, single, University-wide, automated system.