Title IX Confidential Resources


Report a Title IX Concern or Violation To Your Campus

Rutgers University-Camden, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Rutgers University-Newark and RBHS each have several “confidential” resources available, including advocates, counselors, clergy and healthcare providers. These are people that, in general, are not obligated to share any personally identifying information about a report of prohibited conduct (such as the Complainant, victim or Respondent’s name) with the Title IX Coordinator, law enforcement, or any other University administrator. A report to a confidential source will not trigger an investigation or disciplinary action under this Policy.

Resources or University employees who are not “Confidential Resources” will protect and respect students’ privacy to the greatest extent possible and share information only on a need-to-know basis.




Rutgers University- Newark Health Services
Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence Services
249 University Avenue, Rm. 104
(973) 353-5231
(973) 353-HELP (Hotline)
Regular hours (Monday-Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM)

Sexual Assault Hotline: Call 973-353-4357 (HELP)
Health Services – Newark Office: Call 973-353-5232
Sexual Assault Program Coordinator: Call 973-353-1279 Marie Danielle Attis, MPA

Rutgers Newark Counseling Center
Blumenthal Hall
249 University Avenue, Rm. 101
*After 5:00 p.m. and on Weekends: Call the 24-hour emergency hotline at 973-623-2323 or the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK

Faculty and Staff Counseling
Confidential counseling for faculty and staff.

Rutgers Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance
Blumenthal Hall
249 University Avenue, Rm. 205
Counseling, Crisis Intervention Services available 24/7:
848-932-1181 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
EMERGENCIES after 5:00 p.m. & weekends – 1-800-327-3678

S.A.V.E of Essex County
60 Fullerton St. Montclair NJ, 07042
Sexual Assault Hotline 1-877-773-CARE (2273)

New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault
800-600-7200 (hotline)

Camden Campus

Student Health Service – Psychological Services
326 Penn Street
Campus Center – 2nd floor
(856) 225-6005

Faculty and Staff Counseling
Confidential counseling for faculty and staff.

Rutgers Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance
326 Penn Street, Campus Center, 3rd Floor
Camden, NJ 08102
Counseling, Crisis Intervention Services available 24/7:
856-225-2326 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
EMERGENCIES after 5:00 p.m. & weekends – 1-800-327-3678
Contact email: lluciano@rutgers.edu

Camden County Women’s Center
311 Market Street, Camden, New Jersey 08102 856-963-5668
24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 856-227-1234 http://www.camdencountywomenscenter.org

RBHS Newark, Scotch Plains and Stratford Campuses

RBHS students located at other campuses may use resources for that campus.)


RBHS Newark Student Health Services
Doctor’s Office Center, 90 Bergen Street, Suite 1750, Newark

Stratford Campus Student Health Services
University Doctors Pavilion, 42 East Laurel Road, Suite 2100B, Stratford

Rutgers Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance
65 Bergen Street, Suite 1441
Newark, NJ 07101
Counseling, Crisis Intervention Services available 24/7:
973-972-4636 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
EMERGENCIES after 5:00 p.m. & weekends – 1-800-327-3678
Contact email: kac454@rbhs.rutgers.edu

Rutgers-University Behavioral HealthCare
Student Wellness Program
183 South Orange Avenue, Newark

New Brunswick and Piscataway

Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance
3 Bartlett Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (848) 932-1181
Website: http://vpva.rutgers.edu
Contact email: vpva@echo.rutgers.edu

Rutgers University Office of Student Legal Services (“Confidential”)
Livingston Campus
Tillett Hall, Rm. 247
53 Avenue E.
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: (848) 932-4LAW (4529)
Website: www.rusls.rutgers.edu

Rutgers University Chaplains (“Confidential”)
List of Registered Chaplains can be found at the following website: