Disability Compliance


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Officer is responsible for coordinating university
programs and activities to help ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as
amended, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and relevant local, state, and federal law and requirements
pertaining to individuals with disabilities. These laws and requirements protect the rights of people with
disabilities and prevents discrimination on the basis of disability. They require employers, local and
state governments, and providers of public services to provide reasonable accommodations to people
with disabilities.  The Rutgers Disability and Reasonable Accommodation Policy is set forth under Section 60.1.34 of the Rutgers Policy Library.
The Compliance Officer coordinates with university administrators and offices to make campuses,
infrastructure, and programs accessible and compliant. In addition, the Compliance Officer consults
with Institutional Planning and Operations regarding architectural surveys and standards for new builds
and renovations for compliance and adherence to Rutgers Design Standards. Also, the Compliance
Officer develops appropriate policies and procedures related to state and federal laws relating to
persons with disabilities to address identified trends and vulnerabilities to ensure appropriate program
access for students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
If you would like to request an accommodation, please contact the appropriate office listed. Guests or
visitors seeking an accommodation to participate in a University program, activity or service are
encouraged to contact the event sponsor or department as early as possible and in advance of the
event. Visitors may also contact the ADA Compliance Officer at ADA_Compliance@uec.rutgers.edu for
additional assistance or guidance.