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Athletics Compliance


UEC is an independent office that provides compliance and enterprise risk management services to the entire University. Within this framework, UEC works closely together with the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) and the DIA Office of Athletic Compliance (DIA Compliance). While the work of DIA Compliance concentrates primarily on compliance with NCAA and BIG TEN rules and regulations, UEC focuses, to a greater extent, on:


  • assisting the DIA in the area of risk management, where items of risk to the DIA and the University are identified, assessed and then mitigated through active management of potential vulnerabilities;
  • institutional compliance issues by providing training on relevant University polices and applicable state and Federal law such as the University’s policies on Ethics, Protection of Minors and Title IX, and state and Federal laws such as OPRA, HIPAA, FERPA, and the Clery Reporting Act ; and
  • seeking to create a foundation of integrity that will be at the core of every activity and decision made by every member of the DIA.


In addition, UEC provides DIA general guidance and recommendations on process and policies and procedures; acts as an additional independent and conflict-free point of contact to report violations of rules, regulations, policies and procedures; investigates certain student-athlete and staff complaints; and assists the DIA in assuring that its compliance operations are consistent with the NCAA requirement of “institutional control.”