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University Ethics and Compliance provides support for:

UEC is responsible for working with the Rutgers University community to manage its enterprise risk, ethics, and compliance activities. Formerly known as the Office of Enterprise Risk Management, Ethics, and Compliance, UEC’s role is to:

  • identify, analyze, and mitigate enterprise risks
  • detect, deter, avoid, and respond to instances of non-compliance with applicable regulations and policies
  • provide service and support for an environment focused on ethical and appropriate business conduct

As you explore our website and learn more about our team, you’ll find that we provide our support through assessment and monitoring activities, investigative services, training and education, and are regularly looking for ways to partner with our Rutgers colleagues to support a university that is committed to responsible, ethical, and extraordinary teaching, research, and patient care.

Please contact any member of our team to learn more about Rutgers University Ethics and Compliance.

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