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RU Learning Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



The following are frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding Rutgers RU Learning.




How do I access RU Learning?


How do I access RU Learning?

You can access via your desktop or mobile device:

Shape Description automatically generated with low confidenceDesktop

Shape Description automatically generated with medium confidenceMobile

  1. Go to
  2. Login with your NetID and password.
  3. Your training should appear on your To Do list!
  1. Download Learner Mobile from the App Store or Google Play.
    Graphical user interface, text Description automatically generatedGraphical user interface, text Description automatically generated
  2. Click the University Login button.
  3. Enter your University Net ID and password.



How do I begin my required training?

Check out the To-do List section of your app (see image below) and select the training you wish to complete.


When I log on, my screen is blank.


You may need to clear your cache and cookies via the following steps:


  • Navigate to the Lock icon on your browser near the web address at the top of the screen.
  • Navigate to “cookies
  • Select “” and click “Remove”
  • Select “” and click “Remove”
  • Click Done
  • Close the tab
  • type in the address field
  • Try to login again
  • If this doesn't work for you please reach out to
How do I register for the RU Learning Training?

 Individuals who require training are automatically added to the system. If you require training and you are unable to login please contact


When is the Training Due?

 HIPAA Basics and Best Practices is due June 30th for all individuals who interact with protected health information. However, your school or unit may set an earlier due date. New hires are required to complete the training within thirty days. 


Where do I find the certificate after completing the Training?

You can view your completed trainings on the achievements page by clicking on the crown in the top right corner of your profile page. 


Who should I contact for further information about the Training?

Please contact