International Collaboration in Research and Other Activities: A Resource Guide for the Rutgers Community

Guidance for International Activities at Rutgers

Through collaborative international partnerships, Rutgers faculty, students, and staff are successfully expanding human knowledge and discovery across many fields and sharing that new knowledge to explain the world around us and find solutions to some of our most urgent problems. Our international collaborations bring diversity of thought and practice to promote and sustain research and academic excellence. The success of these important partnerships depends on the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and trust. In working with international partners, Rutgers University will maintain the highest standards in the pursuit and dissemination of new knowledge and will comply fully with federal, state, and University regulations and guidelines that govern research and scholarship.

Growing concerns regarding “undue foreign influence” in higher education has led several federal agencies to issue statements emphasizing the need for increased transparency around activities that have the potential to unduly influence our activities, including research practices and outcomes. Furthermore, recent federal enforcement actions underscore the importance of ensuring that the University community works together to protect the credibility of our research, the integrity of our academic and scholarly activities around the world, and the reputations and careers of our faculty, staff, students, and the University.

Many federal agencies continue to enhance their requirements and guidelines for the disclosure of international activities, and Rutgers University has prepared this summary of leading practices to ensure successful collaborations with international partners. In addition, we have assembled a team with representatives from Rutgers Global, Research and Economic Development, University Ethics and Compliance, and the Rutgers University Foundation to help answer questions sent to























*This resource was made possible in part by information collected from the University of Michigan and University of Wisconsin- Madison website’s, as Rutgers University prepared our own guidance.