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MediTract Frequently Asked Quested (FAQ)


What is the MediTract system?

MediTract is a healthcare contract and document management provider, serving 25% of the hospitals in the United States. MediTract is a division of TractManager Inc., a national Internet-based technology firm specializing in secure, real time access to customized and centralized contact and document management database.


How do I get Access to the Meditract Database System?

Before gaining access to the MediTract system each user must take and complete all the appropriate training. (Phase I and II, Phase III per user role)

How do I register for training?

To register for training please contact us at

I am not sure if I need MediTract Access, how can I determine whether I need to have training?

If you currently manage contracts within your organization or department you may be a great candidate for MediTract training. Refer to your supervisor for further direction or contact us at

How many training sessions are offered?

There are a numerous training sessions that are offered based on the users role.

Where can I get a MediTract Access Request Form, if I completed training?

Please request a form by emailing us at

Does the MediTract Access from require supervisor approval?

Yes, to be granted access to the MediTract system, both you and your immediate supervisor will need to sign a completed, MediTract Access form.

Are there different levels of access? What are the current available roles?

Yes, the level of access is determined by the roles. Contract Collaborator, Contract Library, and Term are different roles with differing types of access. Visit our MediTract Roles page for more information.

Who determines the level of access?

The supervisor determines the level of access and the system administrator grants access.

Can the level of access be altered?

Yes, if the system administrator determines there is a specific need.

What is the difference between Contract Collaborator, Contract Library, TERMS, Property Tract, and the Referral Based or Potential Referral Based Database (formerly known as Focused Arrangements Database (FAD))?

Contract Collaborator automates your process of routing, reviewing and approving contracts.

Contract Library serves as an automated file cabinet, creating a contract repository.

TERMS serves as a time and effort reporting system.

PropertyTract provides services that help real estate professionals face the challenges of managing and overseeing operating contracts and lease document used in management of real estate holdings.

Referral Based or Potential Referral Based Database tracks and serves as a repository for contracts that implicate Stark and Anti-Kickback laws and is a database/file cabinet within the Contract Library.

How can I obtain access to the Referral Based or Potential Referral Based Database (RBD or PRBD)?

The following training would need to be completed: Contract Library/Collaborator I and II and the Referral Based or Potential Referral Based Database.Note, the need for access is determined by the user’s supervisor.

How secure is the MediTract system?

To prevent against information being breached during scanning and transmission, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey’s data is encrypted using the industry leader for encryption services. Additionally, a separate database within a secure environment is developed for every facility and/or department of each user.

Are there password requirements for MediTract?

Yes, the same password requirements as established by the Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Password policy.

How can I get my password reset?

There are two ways to reset passwords. First, under the log in the box on the MediTract sign in pages a user can reset username or password. Secondly, a user can send an email to and request a password change. Passwords are reset within 24 hours.

I am locked out of my system?

Users will send an email to, entitled ”Locked out of Account” in the subject line. Accounts and passwords are reset within 24 hours on business days.

I cannot locate the document that I am searching for?

Users will send an email to, entitled Document Search request in the subject line and explain in the body of the email what document needs to be located. Search is preformed within 24-48 hours on business days.

The hyperlink took me to the wrong document?

Users will send an email to, entitled “Incorrect Link” in the subject line. Please note the contract numbers in the body of the email.

Is the MediTract system compatible with Microsoft products, including Window 8?


Is the MediTract system compatible with Apple products (MAC)?

Not as a stand-alone. There are many possible solutions with the need for added features.

Do I need any special equipment to use the MediTract system?

No. Access to the MediTract system only requires that individuals utilizing the system have internet access.

Does the MediTract system offer wireless and mobile solutions?

Yes, MediTract can be used through the TractManager APP for the IPAD, as well as through the internet.


Contact Us


If you have any questions about how to access or use MediTract, please contact the UEC MediTract staff at