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HIPAA for Patients


Our patients have the following rights:


  • The right to receive our Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) to understand how we can and can not use your health information.
  • The right to see or get a copy of your health information. If you want a copy, you may put your request in writing and pay for the cost of copying and mailing. In most cases, your copies must be given to you within 30 days .
  • The right to change any wrong information in your file or add information to your file if you think something is missing or incomplete. In most cases, the file should be updated within 60 days.
  • The right to know who has seen your records by requesting an accounting of disclosures.
  • The right to restrict who can see your medical health information, such as your medical record.
  • The right to have confidential communications and to call you at your preferred phone number or use a specific mailing address when communicating about your care.


HIPAA Patient Forms