Report a Concern

Submit a report to the Compliance Helpline

Reporting Directory


Types of issues. Where to go for support/direction and how to report an issue.


Abuse/neglect of minors

  • Anyone who suspects that a minor has been subject to abuse or neglect must immediately notify the Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) at (732) 932-7211.
  • New Jersey law (NJSA 9:6-8.10) requires all persons who have reasonable cause to believe that a minor has been subject to abuse or neglect to report it to the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency, formerly the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) at 1 (877) NJABUSE (652-2873).
  • Rutgers Protection of Minors Website
  • Protection of Minors Policy




Alcohol and Drug Use; Alcohol on Campus


Animal Research Violations of NIH, USDA, AAALAC Regulations


Athletics Programs


Confidential Information (including records) being accessed or disclosed without proper authority or authorization

Depending on the information being disclosed, you may contact the following offices:


Conflict of Interest violation of DHHS, FDA, NSF or other Federal Agency Regulations


Critical information system being hacked or compromised (Oracle, PeopleSoft, Banner, e-mail)


Disability: Americans with Disabilities Act (faculty/staff)


Disability: Americans with Disabilities Act (student-related)




Export Controls (Research)


Fair Labor Standards Act and Overtime Provisions


Fraud (Financial)




Healthcare Compliance

University Ethics and Compliance or call 973.972.8000


Human Subject Research Violations of DHHS/OHRP, FDA and other Federal Regulations pertaining to human subject research


Improper accounting and costing on sponsored projects


Improper document of or billing for healthcare goods or services


Laboratory Safety Violations


Misconduct in Research including Falsification of Documents/Records


NCAA or B10 Rules


Open Public Meetings Act


Open Public Records Act


Privacy (Patient or Student)


Radiation Safety Violation of NRC or DCRA Regulations


Records Management (e.g. document retention schedules, archiving documents)


Records:  Loss of records; inability to find records; improper release, disclosure or access to records

Depending on the type of records, you may contact the following offices:


Research Compliance


Research: Sponsored Project Billing and Reporting


Rutgers Health (RBHS) Compliance Issues

University Ethics and Compliance or call 973.972.8000


Sexual Harassment


Student Billings


Student Loan Abuses


University Property:  Loss or Theft


Victim Assistance (and violence prevention)


Violation of OSHA, HFPA, BOCA, NRC, and FDA regulations


Violation of System Security


Violations of EPA regulations and Hazardous material releases


Workplace Violence

  • In an emergency, or if you experience or witness imminent or actual violence involving weapons or potential injuries, call 911.
  • Any person who is the subject of, or witness to, a suspected violation of this policy should report the incident to his or her supervisor or, in lieu thereof, to the appropriate designated university representative listed below:
    • Camden: Associate Chancellor for Administration and Finance
    • Newark: Associate Chancellor
    • New Brunswick: Office of Labor Relations
  • Rutgers Workplace Violence Policy