Report a Concern

Submit a report to the Compliance Helpline

What to Report


Activities or conduct that you believe violate a state or federal law or university policy should be reported. This includes violations of contracts and grants, ethics policy, financial reporting, athletic misconduct, health care billing, coding, delivery and documentation practices, and other compliance violations of any kind. If you do not want to report directly to the Rutgers Compliance Hotline, a full reporting directory on where to report your specific issue can be found on here.


Samples of what to report:

  • Athletics violations or noncompliance of law, regulation or team rule. Financial Accounting, auditing, embezzlement, ethics, or other financial misconduct issues
  • Discrimination or harassment due to a protected status, retaliation due to a complaint of discrimination or harassment, or for participating in an investigation, misuse of benefits, nepotism, sexual harassment, or violence
  • Research compliance or misconduct
  • Patient Confidentially or FERPA matters
  • Other issues or concerns


What Not to Report


It is discouraged to use The Rutgers Compliance Hotline service to report concerns for which the University does not have responsibility or that are:

  • Emergencies (call 9-1-1).
  • Employment concerns, such as performance evaluations, merit raises or supervisory issues should be addressed with University Human Resources.
  • Student concerns that should be addressed through the Office of Student Affairs Compliance.
  • Grievances filed by faculty and staff that are governed by institutional policies and procedures.