Report a Concern

Submit a report to the Compliance Helpline

After You Report to the Rutgers Compliance Hotline


On making a report to the Rutgers Compliance Hotline, individuals are assigned a case number and unique pin code that will allow them to follow a complaint or to provide additional information. Reports received by the Rutgers Compliance Hotline are sent to the Office of University Ethics and Compliance for review. Where appropriate, investigators will conduct the compliance investigation. All other matters are forwarded to the respective departments to address a complaint’s specific concerns. Use of the Rutgers Compliance Hotline also allows for compliance or others investigating to communicate with the person making the report and to maintain open lines of communication with individuals who seek to remain anonymous.

Our Process: Click Here to view the UEC Investigative Process


Your Protections


The University prohibits retaliation against any individual who reports or inquires about potential breaches of University policy, state, or federal law. Anonymous reporting allows the pertinent details to be collected and fully investigated by the University with corrective action being taken where appropriate. University policy specifically prohibits:

“…retaliation, harassment, intimidation or discrimination against individuals who make reports of suspected wrongdoing in good faith. Any employee found to have retaliated against another employee who reported actual or suspected wrongful conduct shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination. The making of false, frivolous, or bad faith reports by an employee is contrary to the intent and spirit of this policy, and may subject the reporter to disciplinary action.”
University Policy