Trending Topics

Guidance for protecting personal privacy during COVID-19
Many members of the Rutgers community have begun asking questions about coronavirus cases at Rutgers. Even though most Federal and State privacy requirements have not been suspended under COVID-19, some requirements related to sharing data for clinical purposes have...

European Union and General Data Protection Regulation
At Rutgers, we value the privacy of our students, our patients, our employees and partners, and all members of our community. We are aware of recent changes to privacy requirements implemented by the European Union in its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and...
Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week, November 5-11, 2017
Come and Join in on the Awareness and Fun!

Announcement to All Rutgers Students on Privacy and Student Records
ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL RUTGERS STUDENTS ON PRIVACY AND STUDENT RECORDS Annual Notice Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (“Rutgers”) complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) and makes public announcement of the law. This announcement...
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